
Canaan Avalon 81TH

BTC 0,10254367

EUR 6.435,00

Carrier Points
512,718350 CP
machine variable

Machine Fraction

  • Start mining activity


  • Shipping and feeding

    All costs are already included, no surprises

  • Management

    In consideration of the costs to be incurred for efficient and complete maintenance, SWAG will reduce the 30% from the mining of this lot

  • Warranty

    The extraction of the machine is protected by our special guarantee policy

  • No extra cost

    All included, no surprises, no changes for the entire duration of the contract

  • Electric consumption

    The Swag community gets the best economic conditions regarding the cost of energy

  • Let's start now

    Know immediately the start date of the mining activity, your machine is ready to mine under the best conditions

  • Environment

    We work with the utmost attention to the environment, avoiding waste and rewarding the most responsible mining farms